What to do if your homemade wine has gone stale
There are several dangers that can befall the home winemaker. One of the most common is that the wine turns into vinegar, or zauxing. In the case of industrial production, the disaster can be avoided by adding preservatives. But who would use such a “dishonest” method when making wine for themselves and their loved ones? How to avoid vinegarization, and what to do if your home wine has vinegarized?
Wine can turn into vinegar if the vinegar bacteria multiply excessively during fermentation. This unpleasantness occurs when there is free and constant access of oxygen to the product. From a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the temperature and the amount of available oxygen, vinegar bacteria turn wine into vinegar. At the same time, the alcohol is the breeding ground for them. And after the allotted period of time, the alcohol content in the drink is no more than 0.2%. Then the process stops by itself, everything is eaten and processed.
In order to prevent the wine from turning into vinegar, the first and only condition is to prevent oxygen from entering the fermenting beverage. Often the classic “rubber glove” on the jar saves you from this. However, there is no guarantee.
In order to guarantee the prevention of waxing, it is necessary to:
– to make homemade wine in glassware;
– keep the temperature regulated;
– Ensure that the lid fits snugly on the pot and that the gases produced during fermentation are allowed to escape.
Alas, it is not always possible to ensure the conditions, and the process went wrong. What to do and how to save homemade wine?
Most winemakers agree that if the process has begun, the product is spoiled for good. Yes, of course, you can accept it, soak kebabs in vinegar and go to the countryside to eat your grief. However, it is not always so sad, you can try to save the product. If zauksilas home wine, but the process has just begun, there are chances. To do this, the wine is poured into another container, paying attention to the fact that the film of bacteria from the surface did not get into the new dishes. Then the wine is pasteurized – that is, heated to 60-70 degrees for 30 minutes. After pasteurization, add a little alcohol.
Another option is to move the wine to a cooler place. You can try this at the very beginning, as soon as you notice a problem. Also, if the alcohol content has not dropped at all, you can “distill” the wine into alcohol. You get something like “brandy alcohol”. Well, and the most extreme way to save home wine – add alcohol to it. Alcohol stops the fermentation process. At the same time, so that the wine does not become sour, you can add ordinary soda at the rate of 1 gram per 1 liter.
To summarize, we can say that there are quite a lot of options for action, in the case of zauksilas home wine. However, the best way to make a quality drink is not to allow a situation where it will need to be saved. Then always the resulting product will always please with its quality.
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